Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Christmas Booth

I was very excited to set up the booth for the holidays. I had been collecting pink Christmas stuff since July! I made most of the ornaments on the tree and had a blast doing it. 

I love that the Christmas goodies blend in with all the pretties I already had in the booth. 

These pines turned out cute! Oh and the little pink ones? They were ugly chipped burgundy and gold ornaments. I was complaining about how hard it is to find pink ornaments and then it hit me....I can spray paint them whatever color I want! 

I LOVE these little tree ornaments. I saw one like it on Pinterest and thought I would give it a try. I'm going to be honest, it was a major pain to make, but sooooo worth it. Apparently one lady thought so too, because she bought the whole tree! I wish I had made the time to make a second tree. Maybe I should start planning for next year now. Hmmmm. 

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