Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Christmas Booth

I was very excited to set up the booth for the holidays. I had been collecting pink Christmas stuff since July! I made most of the ornaments on the tree and had a blast doing it. 

I love that the Christmas goodies blend in with all the pretties I already had in the booth. 

These pines turned out cute! Oh and the little pink ones? They were ugly chipped burgundy and gold ornaments. I was complaining about how hard it is to find pink ornaments and then it hit me....I can spray paint them whatever color I want! 

I LOVE these little tree ornaments. I saw one like it on Pinterest and thought I would give it a try. I'm going to be honest, it was a major pain to make, but sooooo worth it. Apparently one lady thought so too, because she bought the whole tree! I wish I had made the time to make a second tree. Maybe I should start planning for next year now. Hmmmm. 

More Blue Goodies

It has been a crazy semester, so I haven't posted anything in forever! A foresee a flurry of catch up posts soon. I found this cute little chest at my favorite thrift store, Good Samaritan. I didn't remember to take the "before" until after I had the handles off. As you can see I replaced a shiny cream and mint paint job for a cool aqua one. I got all the paint off of the handles only to discover that 3 were bronzie and two were kind of gold. Not to fear though, I always have plenty of pewter Krylon. 

On the way from picking the chest up, Mom saw this cute nightstand on the side of the road! It needed some definite cleaning and repair, but I think it turned out adorable. Nothing a little wood glue and inspiration can't do.