Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Another Dresser!

     Any time my grandmother sees me paint a wood piece she cringes. Something about covering up perfectly good wood sends some people into hysterics. Hmmm...not me!
     I know it's hard to tell, but the before was even more hideous than it appears. Of course most noticeable are the golden oldies gold tacky-licious handles. This piece was meant to have knobs not pulls, so it appears that the previous owner haphazardly drilled uneven holes to fit the gorgeous gold pulls you see in the "before." Nothing a little wood filler can't fix!
     Of course it wasn't just a little. The veneer was peeling in several places and the top was pitted and burned in several spots. Oh boy. But not to fear, I love a challenge. Sorry about the poor lighting, it always seems that I can only remember to take pictures at night!